Interesting factoid about "refugees"

Not everyone fleeing is automatically a "refugee." Refugee is a specific category of people who are fleeing. Many fleeing are not "refugees" per se, but Internally Displaced Persons IDPs. When someone flees war or fighting in his or her own country and doesn't leave the borders of his or her own country that person is an IDP not a refugee. However in some languages like Serbian there is no real distinction. A refugee in Serbian is an "izbeglica," literally someone who is running from something (war, persecution, etc.) Though technically the people fleeing from Bosnia into Serbia during the Bosnian war were not "refugees," but IDPs, they were called "refugees" in Serbian.

Refugees are entitled to UNHCR help while IDPs per se are not. They may receive help only if their own government allows an outside organization like the Red Cross or Red Crescent to intervene. This does not always happen, as in the case of the Rohingya in Myanmar.

Calling all who flee "refugees" (those running from) is also true of Russian беженцы / bezhentsy (those who run). Those Ukrainian citizens who fled the fighting in eastern Ukraine between Russian independent forces and Ukrainian forces were all "refugees", although they were Ukrainian citizens fleeing within their own country and technically IDPs. The Ukrainian government did allow NGOs (Non Governmental Agencies) to intervene with aid.


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