Who is an immigrant?
Who is an immigrant? Who decides? In my book I have tried to answer this question. Of course, it depends on who you ask. To be an "immigrant" is to have a legally protected status. To be a "migrant" does not. Who decides and how varies from country to country. In any event, when a person arrives at a "migrant detention centre" he or she is interviewed by UNHCR officials. He or she is asked for his or her story and his or her documents, proof of identity. Only after ca reful interviews do the UNCHR officials designate a person a "refugee." A "refugee" has the right to seek asylum in a country other than their country of origin. A "refugee" is not a person seeking "political asylum." A person asking for "political asylum" may seek the right to "immigrate" due to fear of persecution in their home country, for example Christians from Iran. "Migrants" in a detentio...
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