Soon to be available!

           Migrants landing on the Greek island of Lesvos where the Moria Detention Centre is located

I have been working on a book about immigration for the past four years. It has taken a long time to find a publisher, but it will be published by Cascade Books soon, perhaps in November. At present the book has finished copy editing. I have also received a "dummy" of the book cover.

This book is both popular and "academic." It is popular since it is aimed primarily at the average Christian. It is directed to US Christians especially, but also contains information and experiences of Europeans: in Greece, in the Netherlands, in Belgium and Ukraine.

The book is meant to help average people get a hold on the issue of immigration and what it means for them. Much has been published in many forums from many viewpoints.

The goal of this book is to consider this topic from a Christian perspective. The main purpose of this book is to stoke compassion for immigrants, those whom war has left homeless, those whose governments have persecuted them and driven them out.

The book is "academic" in the sense that I have had to carefully investigate claims that have been made about immigration. I was compelled to tackle the issue of immigrants and terrorism, and the perception that all immigrants are potential terrorists.

The books is also "academic" in the sense that I have painstakingly researched the stories I tell. Though these stories are largely my own, I wanted to be able to show that they can be substantiated.
This book is not meant to be a political apology or a political attack. The purpose of analyzing this topic is to drive Christian readers to compassion, to caring about the millions of refugees who are homeless and need help.

My hope is that those who read it will be challenged to think more logically and less emotionally on one hand, learning facts and evaluating facts and not merely giving a visceral reaction. On the other hand I hope that this book will engender compassion and sympathy. I pray that it will drive Christians to generous action.


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